Troy Craig


I began my radio career hosting a heavy metal show once a week on the campus radio station at Penn State. It was everything I’d ever wanted in a job. I could listen to music that gave me chills, connect with people who shared that same passion and express myself creatively while remaining somewhat hidden behind a microphone. It was like a drug, and I was hooked. Nothing was going to stand in my way, not even poverty. I took an internship with The Howard Stern Show and then another with the morning show on the local rock station that I had grown up listening to in State College. After graduating, I spent any free time I had at the station helping out however I could. I was sleeping on a couch that I didn’t own, driving a car that wasn’t mine and showing up daily to a workplace that had yet to hire me. Eventually, after about a year, someone got fired, and I got my shot to do nights full-time. I went on to work for that station for nine years, the last four of those years co-hosting my own morning show.

In 2010, the station to which I had thus far dedicated my career was dissolved by ownership. I rebelled by moving to South Korea for a year to teach English. When I returned I picked up a few radio gigs here and there, but ultimately ended up working sales jobs with little or no enthusiasm. This past summer I moved to NEPA and jumped at the opportunity to fill an opening at 97.9X. I couldn’t be happier, and I aim to stay for as long as you’ll have me.

I detest ignorance and arrogance in people, and I’m quick to anger when confronted with both. I avoid people who close themselves off to new experiences and growth, but am extremely uncomfortable and awkward with small talk and social graces. I can be obsessive with hobbies. I will pick up new things and neglect all else for days on end, but then quickly abandon them when my interest wanes. I need to work on my capacity for compassion, humility and the ability to write an entertaining website bio.




