Category Archives: Contest Rules

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights We all know the best summer nights are spent with a six-pack of Miller Lite, but who is your other six-pack? Six-pack of friends that is… Each week look for our weekly Facebook & Instagram posts, Bring the Miller Lites to Summer Nights, and tag six of your friends…MORE

Contest Rules

979X Official Contest Rules WEEK OF 3/17/25: Official Rules for Win FROM ASHES TO NEW Tickets 3-17 to 3-21 (on air)  Official Rules for 5 O’Clock Block (STATIC-X) 3-17 to 3-21 (on air) Official Rules for IFF (POP EVIL) 3-21 WEEK OF 3/10/25: 979X – Official Rules for IFF (MONSTER JAM) 3-14 979X – Official…MORE

National Contest Rules Archive

Pursuant to FCC Amends Section 73.1216 of the Commission’s Rules, information and rules for specific Cumulus corporate contests run on this and other Cumulus stations.MORE
