


Out of the dark alleys and dingy streets of Belo Horizonte, Brazil,
two brothers spawned a musical revolution that would reshape the very
foundations of extreme metal for decades to come. In 1983, Max and
Iggor Cavalera were involved in the first wave of blackened thrash
metal, a movement of musical intensity that would spark inspiration,
imitation and innovation across the globe over the next forty years. For
the young brothers from Brazil, those chaotic upstarts were only the
beginning, as here we are in 2024, and nothing has stopped them from
pushing the boundaries of their soundscapes into new territories.
As teenagers, their adventurous careers debuted with a four-song
EP entitled, “BESTIAL DEVASTATION”. A whirlwind of thrashing speed,
demonic terror, and graveyard production. Even more astonishing was
the fact that they were between the ages of 14-16 when recording
these early songs. Their adolescent angst blazes brightly on these tracks
and roars up to an inferno on their first full length recording, “MORBID
VISIONS”. A cult-classic in the eyes of beloved speed-freaks. This album
is infamous for its unhinged songwriting and guitars that are blatantly
out of tune. Despite this record’s unpolished recording, it is still
heralded as one of the earliest works of black metal and death metal,
revered by peers and fans alike throughout the eras. It wouldn’t be until
1987 that the Cavalera brothers refined their sound, got their guitars in
tune, and displayed an adept level of songwriting on their sophomore
effort, “SCHIZOPHRENIA”. A testament to thrash metal, still regarded as
one of the most maddening records in existence, and in extreme metal,
that is the highest form of compliment.
Fast forward through forty years of boundless musical creation,
worldwide touring, global spotlighting, and it shows that the Cavalera
duo has not slowed down in the slightest. Facing the unthinkable, they
revisited these earliest recordings, “BESTIAL DEVASTATION”, “MORBID
Bringing these albums back from the dead with a twenty first century
production. Many would oppose reimagining such classics, but Max and
Iggor have pulled off the impossible, attaining a new level of ferocity
with each rerecording, resurfacing their young aggression despite the
many years between, and in fact taking the songs to unparalleled levels.
Whether you were around to witness the brothers in their youth,
or part of the younger generation now unearthing these classics, you
will be enthralled by the quality and passion that they have
demonstrated in these revisits. Max is still shrieking like a banshee and
ripping his guitar as if he’s possessed by some unholy spirit. Iggor is still
thundering his drums, punishing them like the grim reaper himself.
Their years of wisdom have unlocked fresh energy to these otherwise
sepulchral records.
Their endeavors would not end in the studio though, it seems
nothing will slow down the Cavaleras, as they have torn through
multiple tours throughout the U.S., Europe and U.K., bringing the THIRD
WORLD TRILOGY to the masses. Enlisting some fresh talent in the form
of Travis Stone (Pig Destroyer, Desolus) on lead guitar, and Igor
Amadeus Cavalera (Healing Magic, Go Ahead And Die) on bass. The full
lineup is well-rounded and tight as can be, a live force not to be
reckoned with.

979X – Official Rules for 5 O’Clock Block (CAVALERA) 2-10 to 2-14 (on air)
